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Single Overnight - Remedy Alpine 2019 Winter Skills Clinic: Gold Mint Trail in Hatcher Pass, Palmer, Alaska

  • Gold Mint Trailhead Palmer-Fishhook Rd Palmer, AK, 99645 United States (map)

Join the Remedy Alpine Staff for a winter skills clinic. We will cover basic winter camping, hiking and day trip considerations on Saturday. Camp with the team Saturday night, or just come join us for a hike on Sunday morning on the Gold Mint trail in Hatcher Pass. Pre registration is required if you are camping overnight. Register using the Event Registration button on the events main page.

We are planning on conducting the clinic at the Gold Mint Trailhead in Hatcher Pass. If snow conditions are low then we will move the clinic higher up in Hatcher Pass. But as of 26 November the plan remains to conduct the clinic at the remote campsite 1/3 of a mile from the trailhead.

Dress for cold weather and bring extra layers. Lunch meals will be provided for participants.

If camping overnight Remedy Alpine will provide winter shelters and will provide any winter camping gear for those that do not own their own. You are responsible for clothing, But Remedy has your kit.

Here is a link to REI’s recommended packing list for winter equipment. This is extensive and Remedy Alpine staff can help you pair your winter kit down to what you need.

Email us at with any questions.

Schedule of events:

11:00 AM What to pack for winter camping and cold weather injury prevention

12:00 AM Establishing a winter camp, design and layout. Setting up camp and pitching shelters.

1:00 PM Energy - your fuel to battle the cold. Cooking in cold weather. Tips, tricks and best practices.

1:30 PM Campfire and social

Sunday schedule:

8:00 AM Breakfast

9:00 AM Winter hiking, snow shoe, ski tour consideration. Weather and terrain considerations.

10:00 AM Winter Hike