Update: Remedy Alpine operations officer Luke Bushatz scouted the hike yesterday. The wintery mixed conditions in the high alpine may require micro spikes. If you don’t have a pair, let us know and we will bring along extra sets for those that would like them on the upper ridge.
Join Remedy Alpine for a great day hike to honor and celebrate military service.
WHO: All veterans
WHAT: Hike up Mount POW/MIA
WHEN: Meet at 0930 on 11 November 2019
WHERE: Thunderbird Falls Parking Area to shuttle to the trailhead at Eklutna Road mile marker 5.0.
Contact us with any questions you have. If you need gear, Remedy Alpine has equipment to kit you out for the hike. Just let us know what you need.
Here is what the team at Gold Star Peak Inc. recommends you bring: